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Alhamdulillah, we remind our community that Allah has blessed us with a beautiful project for the future generations.

There are currently around 275 full time students in both the boys and girls Hifdh, Alima, Teen Tarbiyat and Raudatul Atfaal programs. Another 46 students in the after school maktab. There is barely enough space at The Amatur Rahman Girls Academy.

Last year, Allah allowed us to purchase a 40,000 sqft building we named ICYC to continue and advance these noble projects. Due to city permits, all renovations had to pause for about 6 months. Alhamdulillah, the internal renovations have restarted last month. There is a dire need to raise ~$835k for the renovations and sprinkler/alarm systems and another $285k for the May 1st payment.

Also, many of our students are either refugees or are on financial aid. The madrasa goes into a negative status at the end of every month.

Regardless of whether it be towards purchasing the ICYC building or sponsoring a student of knowledge, our names will be there on the day of judgment of those who established deen on our beautiful country.

What is special about icyc madrasa

Alhamdulillah, with the will of Allah, all permits have been received and the ICYC Madrasa renovation has restarted after being put on hold for 5 months. -Completion of the renovation will cost an estimated $835k -Anticipation date of completion will be end of July, 2024. -Once completed, insh’Allah the Amatur Rahman Girls Academy can move to that facility. -Currently there are close to 200 students and 54 staff enrolled in the institute, and many girls on the waiting list. -Please support out institute by making dua and contributing generously towards this noble cause.

Why a new facility

We have simply outgrown our current facility and want to expand to accommodate the growing number of Muslims and students in the area and make it more convenience to Dallas Metroplex where most of the community reside